
User:Ricky Lau/fixWikiSettings.js


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	fixWikiSettings.js - fixWiki settings file
	Author: Ricky Lau (RickyLauKO [at] GMail [dot] Com)
	Last modified: 2009-05-17T12:52Z

	This file should not be edited unless you know what these syntax exactly do
var fiwSettings = [];

// summaryPrefix - Prefix for autofix edit summary
// summarySuffix - Suffix for autofix edit summary
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'summaryPrefix', value: fiwText.usingFixWiki + fiwText.autoFix, text: 'Prefix for autofix edit summary' }); //fiwSetting_summaryPrefix
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'summarySuffix', value: '', text: 'Suffix for autofix edit summary' }); //fiwSetting_summarySuffix

// Autofix protection mechanism
// autofixEnabled - Whether autofix is enabled
// Default: true
// autofixOnEdit - Whether autofix should be run when edit page is loaded
// 0: Never; 1: Ask; 2: Always; Default: 2
// autofixPromptBeforeFix - Whether autofix should prompt changes when autofix is trying to fix an error
// 0: Never; 1: Except trusted; 2: Always; Default: 2
// autofixSubmit - What to do after autofix
// False: Nothing; 0: Save directly; 1: Preview; 2: Difference; Default: false
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixEnabled', value: true, text: 'Enable autofix' }); //fiwSetting_autofixEnabled
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixOnEdit', value: 2, text: 'Start autofix when edit page is loaded' }); //fiwSetting_autofixOnEdit
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixPromptBeforeFix', value: 2, text: 'Prompt before autofix replaces an error' }); //fiwSetting_autofixPromptBeforeFix
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixPromptURL', value: 'http://ricky.ej.am/fixWiki/afconfirm.html', text: 'URL of autofix confirmation prompt' }); //fiwSetting_autofixPromptURL
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixSubmit', value: 2, text: 'What to do after autofix' }); //fiwSetting_autofixSubmit

// autofixKeycheck - Duration between edit page is loaded and autofix starts, measured in second
// This means if specified key is not pressed at specified time after page loaded ('Done' is shown), autofix will start
// Default: 1
fiwSettings.push ({ id:'autofixKeycheck', value: 1, text: 'Time to wait before autofix' }); //fiwSetting_autofixKeycheck

// New entries

// fiwSettingsOK - just check if fixWiki settings file is loaded correctly
// usage: True fiwSettingsOK ()
function fiwSettingsOK () { return true; } 

	This is the end of fixWikiSettings.js